Chorley Woodlands

Woodlands is a strategic development site in Chorley, Lancashire with potential for a mixed use residential and commercial development, and a local skills training centre.

The potential redevelopment of the 8 hectare former Woodlands Conference Centre site on Stockport Road by Chorley Council working in partnership with Lancashire County Council would provide 97 new homes, 11 commercial units for businesses, plus a new Skills Development Centre for local people.

The strategic masterplan developed for the site retains the heritage woodland within the boundary and integrates it within a network of paths and trails connecting with streets and spaces. Existing trees are retained wherever possible within the development parcels.

A mixture of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes are proposed in a variety of formats - detached, semi detached and terraced - with continuous frontage facing onto Stockport Road and the main arteries within the site in line with the local Chorley character, with detached and semi detached homes fronting secondary streets and adjacent to areas of woodland.

A Village Green is positioned at the heart of the masterplan in the location of several existing mature trees which are retained. The majority of the development is envisaged to be a shared surface low speed carriageway suitable for pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicles.